Testnet V2
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Mundus Engine
Hero Section: Dynamic visuals and a compelling tagline that introduces Mundus Engine as the Web3 equivalent of Unity and Roblox, built on Tabichain.
Revolutionizing Game Development with Modular Flexibility
Utilize Mundus Engine’s modules like Mundus.world, SAAF, and TIP-61 to craft interactive games with customized mechanics and shared security, enhancing user engagement.
Empowering Developers with Comprehensive Tools
Leverage the powerful Mundus Framework and protocols like KCP for stable, fast gameplay in a versatile environment, ensuring a seamless experience for players.
Ensuring Secure and Transparent Ecosystem Interaction
With TIP-61, integrate blockchain functionalities to manage digital assets securely, fostering a trustworthy and innovative GameFi environment for developers and players.
SAAF (Sovereign Asset Account Framework)
Revolutionizing Asset Management.
TIP-61 (Blockchain Integration Tapestry)
Enhancing Digital Ecosystem Interactivity.
Land & Social Metaverse Powered by Mundus Engine.
Mundus Framework
A Unity3D-built game development powerhouse that fundamentally transforms how developers craft immersive, seamless gaming experiences.
SDK Architecture & APIs
Core API: Offers essential functions for game initialization, scene management, object instantiation, physics simulation.
Implement Universal Profile Smart Contract Functionality

Build Cross-Application Identity Authentication and Authorization Mechanism Based on Universal Profile

Launch Testnet on Tabichain and Open for Public Testing
2024 Q2
Conduct Comprehensive Security Audits and Performance Optimization

Complete the Draft for TIP-61 Standard

Develop Mundus Engine SDK and Related Development Tools

Launch Mainnet on Tabichain
2024 Q3
Build TIP-61 Compatibility Testing Framework

Design and Implement Callback Functionality

Integrate Pre-Transfer Compatibility Verification Logic
2024 Q3